Allowing people to enquire to your company by text message is simply one the most powerful additions to your mobile marketing activities available today. In a recent survey, two thirds of Brit’s said they want to interact with comapnies by text, yet only 3% said they currently do due to the tiny amount of companies who offer this facility.
The ‘meat and two veg’ – The Top 5 reasons to have a short code text service
1. If you advertise anywhere then adding a text response option will increase overall response rates by around 20% and 50% of respondents will choose to respond by text message.
2. When enquirers respond to your text service you automatically capture their mobile number which is fabulous for future marketing activities.
3. Enquirers by text receive an automatic text response with all your company details on. This effectively acts as a business card on the enquirer’s mobile phone.
4. Using a text response service cuts costs. Calls to mobile phones are very expensive and require staff to talk to the customer. If you send a customer a question by text and allow them to respond by text, you cut out the staff requirement and each contact costs a matter of pennies rather than many pounds.
5. Two thirds of people want to use text with companies but only 3% currently do. Offering a text service to your customers
So, if you’re going to set up a text short code, why use Text Marketer?
1. We have the lowest monthly cost for keywords. £25 per month for any word & only £4.99 per month for budget keywords!
2. You get a full text account free of charge to manage all your text activities.
3. If you want to send text messages back to people we also have the lowest cost per message prices, backed by our Best Buy Guarantee.
4. You can set up your keyword on our short code text service instantly online and be up and running in minutes.
5. There is a no-risk 1 week free trial so you can try the service and if you’re not happy after a week, cancel & don’t pay a penny.
Other useful links on the subject.
- Read more on our short code text service. There are 2 short videos here too which show real life examples & in system mechanics. (This page also shows our competitor price comparison chart for short code text services).
- Read the full system instructions if you want to see more detailed instructions and screenshots of how it would work in your account.
- Check if the keyword you want to have is available.
- Get a free Text Marketer account (which you’ll need to use the text response service and set up the free 1 week trial).