Find out what customers really think in SMS surveys

Without wanting to sound like Professor Brian Cox, the world is always evolving and changing. Technology, fashion, trends, opinions are just some of the things that change like the wind, and ultimately end up influencing your business.
Your business, products and services will always need to stay up to date and change with the times, and listening to what your customers want is always a good place to start.
Finding out what your customers like about your business, what your business could improve on, what new things your customers would like to see you provide are all things that will help influence your business and ultimately help you build and grow.
However grabbing this information is tricky, no one wants to fill out a form at the till in a shop and when the internet is filled with funny cat videos why waste time filling out an online website form?
That’s where SMS surveys blow apart it’s competition.

95% said they would respond to an SMS survey request

Sending an SMS survey is the best way to grab your customers feedback, its quick, simple and convenient for all parties, and when sent at the appropriate time, your responses will come flooding in and will all be organised and stored ready for you to export.
So how does our fantastic, low cost, simple, quick and easy SMS survey tool work?
Infographic showing effectiveness of sms surveys