“Please sir, I want some more” – a very well know saying said by a little boy. And the reason it is so famous? Is not because the book sold millions of copies, or the fact the movie was a huge hit, no, no, no, the reason is, because more is always better – well that is how we like to see it anyway.
Back in 2011 there were around 13 billion text messages being sent daily, this increased to 18.7 billion in 2014, and further increased to 22 billion messages being sent every day in 2017 (Source: Domo). That is a huge increase of 1.8 billion messages every year.
And people said SMS was just a fad. . . The people have spoken, and it appears not.
As you can see SMS is still growing, and at some rate too. With new innovative businesses, wanting to easily connect with their customers, starting every day, these number will only continue to grow.
SMS can be used in businesses in various ways and not just for sending a mass sales alert to customers, yes this is one of the more popular ways that businesses use SMS, but there are tonnes more ways – read them all here.
Now onto why ‘more is always better’ – well who wouldn’t want more money, more customers, more reviews, more website hits, more, more, more. So to get more [insert what you want here], you will in most cases, have to do more work. But not in SMS marketing, no SMS marketing is so simple that doing more doesn’t mean doing mean doing more work.
SMS marketing is simple and low cost, so doing more is so easy. Then how do you get more from SMS without the extra workload? Well we are glad you asked.
Buy more credits
Make sure you buy as many credits as possible, especially if there is a deal on. The best way to save money when using SMS marketing is buy credits when there is a sale or offer on.
Or if there isn’t a sale on, just buy more credits. Our credit prices are broken down into packages, so if you buy more credits at once, the price per SMS is less.
As you can see from our pricing above, if you go from the first bracket, 1 – 10,000 to 10,001 – 24,999 you will save 0.3p per message. Now this may not sound like a lot, but it all adds up.
What you need to do, is work out your yearly usage, and purchase that many at a time. If you are using 5,000 SMS credits a month, instead of buying 5,000 SMS credits each month, instead buy 60,000 credits at once and you price per SMS goes from 3.6p to 2.9p. This would equate to a saving of over £420.
Remember credits don’t expire on live accounts, so buy in bulk and save money.
Send to more customers
It may not be the most in-depth piece of information you will ever be given, but sending to more customers at once will get you a better return. This is for 2 reasons;
1. More of your customers will see your message, and therefore more people will take up your offer. Sending to 10 customers, means a maximum of 10 of your customers making a purchase, or doing your required action. Sending to 1,000 customers, means you have potential 1,000 customers purchasing from you.
2. Word of mouth, or is this case, word of SMS. The more of your customers who see your message, the more people you have a chance to influence who may tell their friends about your sale. They can even simply forward your message onto their friends and family.
If each customer tells 2 friends, and those 2 friends tell 2 more friends, and so forth and so forth, then without any extra spend on your behalf, your marketing reach will increase massively.
![Word of mouth Word of mouth]()
Send multiple times
Don’t just send your message once, set a reminder message to go out. We see a huge uplift in responses from a reminder message going out, this is because people might read the message, then forget to do anything about it. A little reminder message a week or so later or a few days before your sale is about to end, is a great way to get those extra sales.
You could even segment your data and send a more targeted message. One message to those that didn’t click your link offering them an extra incentive, and another to those who did, reminding them the sale is still on.
Include more information – but not in the message
Whatever the content of you text message is, include as much information as possible – but not in the actual message. We have a great feature called SMS Web Pages, that allows you to include extra text and images without increase your character count.
This means your message can be under 160 characters, costing you only 1 SMS credit, and still include as much information as you require.
All you need to remember is what little Oliver Twist said, just be brave and always go for more.