Bulk SMS Blog

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Is This the Golden Age of SMS Marketing?

I have this ominous feeling that we may look back on this period in the development of mobile marketing with awe and wonder. We may reminisce nostalgically about the time when open rates were over 97% and you could achieve response…

99% of Mobile Apps Only Get Used Once

Can this really be true? This is a figure produced by BlackBerry recently that underlines the sad truth that most of the 200,000 available apps are rubbish. The surprising nugget of information was revealed by Alex Meisl of Sponge Group and…

Examples of how to use our Email to SMS Text Gateway

Ever thought about how to use Email to Text? Businesses up and down the land send millions of notifications per day by email and as we all know a huge percentage are never getting to the inbox, let alone being read!…

6 Questions To Ask Your Bulk SMS Software Supplier

If only sourcing the right SMS software company was as easy as finding the lowest price and signing up. As usual, it’s a little bit more involved than that. Companies package their products and pricing in different ways that make differentiating…

National Childbirth Trust Integrates with Text Marketer's SMS Gateway

NCT – the UK’s leading charity for parents, now communicates with its members by sending text alerts via the SMS gateway. The charity, which helps a million mums and dads each year through pregnancy, birth and the early days of parenthood,…

SMS Dominance to Continue

The popularity of sms messaging will continue for the foreseeable future according to a new report. The report, released by consulting firm Frost and Sullivan reveals that additional features of sms are likely to evolve, including location information, personal information, updates…

The Onward March of SMS

6 or 7 seven years ago, most industry pundits were predicting that the meteoric rise of sms messaging as a communication tool, would have levelled off by 2010 and would probably have been overtaken by a new form of instant, low…

Guide to SMS Marketing for Car Dealerships

The automotive retailing industry is very well suited to using SMS as a way of communicating with its customer and prospect base. Dealers tend to hold a high proportion of mobile numbers on their databases but the potential of the mobile…

5 winning ways to make your company's Christmas sales sing along like a carol

The Text Marketer creative team have been at it again, coming up with fabulous new ways for our customers to use SMS Marketing which makes a real difference to their business. There’s an old adage I always think of in our…